Katie Woodard ntp

Back to Basics Nutrition

Helping you get back to the basics of eating clean, nutritious food. In-person and online in Flagstaff, AZ.

Hi, I'm Katie.

Coming soon! I will be offering small group classes to help you get on track with eating clean, nutritious food. I have been passionate about health and healing since having kids, losing too many family members to cancer and discovering my autoimmune conditions. Free consultations coming soon!

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy Practitioners promote a nutrient dense diet, focus on foundational nutrition, promote an active lifestyle, teach ancestral principles and respect bioindividuality. Nutritional Therapists do not diagnose or treat disease.

My Mission

My mission is to teach you healthy eating habits so that you can be empowered to build a strong foundation for you health goals.

My Credentials

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Ready to take the next step?

Coming soon: During the 15 minute complimentary consultation, we will discuss you main health complaints and what you can do to begin healing with food.

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